Category: Recommerce
In-store vs online trade-ins: which one is better for your business?
The trade-in trend is gaining momentum due to its wide-ranging benefits. On one hand, there are online trade-ins that respond to the digital era’s needs, while on the other, there’s the personal touch of in-store trade-ins. Which option is the right fit for you?
En sirkulær IT-tilnærming: hva om 95 % av alle enheter ble gjenbrukt?
Vårt mål er å øke antall enheter som kommer inn, da det i dag ikke er mengder nok til å møte etterspørselen om brukte enheter. Det er også avgjørende for miljøet at vi bruker disse produktene igjen, fremfor å la dem ligge i skuffer eller at de kastes.
Smartphone sustainability: transforming vision into action
The technology sector is ever more committed to becoming carbon neutral. But how can we turn the vision of smartphone sustainability into action?
A circular tech approach: what if 95% of devices were reused?
Our goal is to increase the volume of devices coming in as there is currently not enough supply to meet the demand for refurbished devices. It’s also crucial for the environment that we retrieve these devices instead of leaving them unused in drawers or landfills.
Innbytte av enheter, en voksende trend i 2023. Her er grunnen
Hvis du er en mobiloperatør eller forhandler vil du i 2023 se en vekst i innbytte av enheter. Her vil du få vite hvorfor.
Device trade-ins, the emerging trend in 2023. Here’s why
If you are a mobile network operator or retailer, 2023 will see increased growth in device trade-ins. Read our guide on why 2023 will see this trend continue.
Recommerce – continued growth against global challenges
Recommerce continues to grow as part of the reverse logistics sector. Read why the trend continues to shrug off global challenges.
Tänk bortom energibesparingar i hållbara byggnader
Foxway har arbetat under ett år med att förbereda sig för att möta den ökande efterfrågan på cirkulär teknik. Vi berättar om lösningarna bakom anläggningen som har nettonollresultat.
Sveriges största utbud av begagnad datorutrustning från Apple, Lenovo, HP och Dell
Vi köper datorutrustning av svenska företag och leasingbolag när de byter ut sin IT-park. Produkterna du hittar i vår webbutik är därför i första hand begagnade från Lenovo, HP, Dell och Apple. Med andra ord affärsdatorer från välkända märken.
Jump-start your EOL recycling in 3 quick steps
The number of recovered EOL devices is just the tip of the iceberg compared to billions of devices reaching obsolescence every year. Together, we can enable circular tech.