Category: Device as a Service
Sirkulær IT: En vinn-vinn-situasjon for virksomheter og klimaet
Alle kan dra nytte av å forlenge levetiden til IT-utstyr, og interessen for bærekraftig teknologi er økende.
Fordeler med Device as a Service (DaaS) fra et finansielt perspektiv
Det finnes mange fordeler med Device as a Service (DaaS). I denne artikkelen kommer vi til å fokusere på de finansielle fordelene med den sirkulære forretningsmodellen.
Fordeler med Device as a Service (DaaS) fra et IT-perspektiv
Det finnes flere årsaker til at en organisasjon skal gå over til en modell for håndtering av sine enheter med Device as a Service (DaaS). I denne artikkelen fokuserer vi på å løfte frem fordelene med Device as a Service (DaaS) fra et IT-perspektiv.
Device as a Service (DaaS) som et bidrag til den sirkulære økonomien
Device as a Service er en komplett løsning som omfatter alt fra anskaffelse til gjenbruk eller resirkulering av enheter.
Device as a Service (DaaS) as a contributor to the circular economy
Device as s Service is a complete solution that includes everything from procurement to recovery of devices.
Device as a Service (DaaS)
Device as a Service (DaaS) helps to solve customers’ daily challenges while contributing to reduced environmental impact from an IT perspective. In this article, you can read Oskar Sandström’s views on customer needs and how DaaS can be an enabler.
Advantages with Device as a Service (DaaS) for the IT organisation
There are reasons for companies moving towards a Device as a Service (DaaS) model for handling their devices. In this article, we will focus on highlighting the advantages of the DaaS model for the IT department.
Device as a Service (DaaS) benefits from a Financial point of view
There are many advantages with Device as a Service (DaaS). In this article, we will focus on the financial benefits of the circular business model.
How Foxway helps companies with sustainable digitalization
Sustainable digitalization is a goal for many organizations, although not all of them know how to achieve that goal on their own. At Foxway, we have developed a circular IT model which offers the entire service of business digitalization. This enables the organization to reach their goal in an easier and more sustainable way.
The circular economy reduces digital inequality
Foxway is the world’s leading Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) vendor for circular workspace solutions.