Our ESG ambitions

Are you ready for a change?

The market will punish polluters and reward those that make greener choices. Moving towards circular business models guarantees less waste. This transition is hugely important to discard the “take, make and throw away” cycle of today. 

Consuming less and ensuring that equipment has a longer shelf life means that resources in products never go to waste.

“Sustainable consumption and production are about doing more with less. It is also about decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation, increasing resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable lifestyles.”

UN Sustainable Development Goal 12

We take the lead. Will you follow?

The best way to break unsustainable habits is to make the better choice more appealing. So Foxway offers innovative digital platforms to help our customers improve their operations. We are proud to have the most extensive team of sustainability ICT experts in Europe.

“We want to be a driving force for digitalization, but at the same time cut our carbon footprints. So, we are working hard on changing the consuming pattern. We extend the warranties for devices and show that old devices would still be fit for purpose.”

Martin Backman, CEO Foxway Group

Solutions, not problems

In our minds, change is not complicated. By putting together fragmented linear go-to-market models, Foxway has become the regions’ only vendor that serves all laptop and mobile lifecycles. 

By safeguarding a device through its entire lifespan, our business model solves challenges and yields opportunities.

Our main sustainability ambitions are to:

  1. Build resilient societies through enabling connectivity among vulnerable groups.

  2. Build system-level change by advancing circularity in IT across and beyond our value chain.